Thursday, March 22, 2012

Late Pope John Paul II may be Declared Saint Soon

According to an AFP report on Yahoo 7 News, a second miracle attributed to late pope John Paul II has been reported, and he could be made a saint soon.

It said Italy's Panorama weekly, citing documents sent to the Vatican, reported that the miraculous healing occurred just weeks after Pope John Paul II's beatification on May 1 last year, which put him on the path to sainthood just six years after his death.

The first miracle attributed to the late pope was the healing of a French nun, Sister Marie Simon-Pierre, who recovered from Parkinson's disease.

No details have been given about the second miracle yet, which was chosen from among four reported and documented by the promoter of Karol Wojtyla's canonisation, Bishop Slowomir Oder. Vatican spokesman Fr. Federico Lombardi declined to comment on the report, stressing that only a decree from the Congregation could confirm it.

The magazine said the case was being studied by experts from the Congregation for the Cause of Saints and, if it occurred, could lead to the canonisation of the late pope within the next 12 months.

Many Catholic faithful want John Paul II made a saint as soon as possible, even me, I want my great mentor canonized as soon as possible. His life has remained a model and an inspiration for me. Blessed Pope John Paul II – Pray for us.

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