Saturday, March 10, 2012

The House of God: How does it look like?
Rev. Marcel Divine Emeka Okwara CSsR
Homily for the 3rd Sunday of Lent, Year B
St. Gerard Majella Church
Baton Rouge, LA, USA
March 11, 2012

In today’s gospel, Jesus confronts wrongdoing in a very significant way. He had just performed his first miracle at Cana in Galilee and needed to go to the Temple in Jerusalem to pray and to preach the Good News. On getting to the Temple, he was shocked to find that the House of God, the House of Prayer was no longer being used for worship and prayer. He did not find people in prayer. He did not see Levites and Priests carrying out their ministry. He did not see the choir rehearsing songs for worship. He did not find various ministries holding their meetings or fellowships. He did not see any religious activity in the Temple. Rather, he saw merchants, traffickers, money-changers, buyers and sellers, people who seemed interested in only one thing: amassing money. Jesus is never against the rich. He is not against business people. He is not against making money. But he was upset that the house of God was turned into a market-place. He was upset that the people he met there were not ready for any religious activity. Sellers were selling their goods, and buyers were also buying. Animals like oxen, sheep, and pigeons were being sold. The money changers were also wrapped up in their own business of changing money. When Jesus saw all these, he was so disappointed. When he looked at what was going on in the house of God, he saw cheating and deception; he saw lies being cooked and served to the unsuspecting people; he saw land-grabbers plotting to uproot and unsettle the widows. The Lord saw that evil and wickedness have entered the House of God. He saw that the religious leaders were drinking, toasting wines and getting drunk. He could not believe that the same Temple that took forty six years to build is now being abused and misused. The purpose and the sacredness of the temple were being undermined. If God’s house would be treated that way, what does it say about the people? Jesus was amazed at their irreligiousness and their lack of the sense of the sacred and mystery.

He came to the House of God expecting to see people in prayer, expecting to see people ever-ready for the coming of the Lord. The Psalmist in Psalm 84: 10 says “A day in the house of God is better than thousands elsewhere.” The beginning of the same Psalm says “How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord Almighty.” For the people that Jesus met in the Temple, every day is business; every day is all about making money, thinking less of God and God matters.

Brethren, the temple of God is not only the Church building where we gather together to worship the Lord. We are the Temple of God. In 2 Corinthians 3: 16-17, St. Paul says: “Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and God’s Spirit lives in you? If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him (or her); for God’s temple is sacred, and you are that temple.” 1 Corinthians 6: 19 also says that we are the temple of the Holy Spirit. We are the temple of God. The temple of God is not only the Common house of prayers, as a matter of fact, church buildings can be pulled down and destroyed. We can worship anywhere; we can worship in the outside, in the field, in soccer play ground, we can worship in a university auditorium. We are the temple of God! But if Jesus Christ should visit his temple- you, me and us, what would he find? Would he find us watching in prayer, ready to meet him? If Jesus visits his temple (which is you and me), what would he find? Will the Lord find us ready? Will he find us in the same situation he found those in today’s gospel reading? Will he find us buying and selling, merchandizing, getting busy with only the things of this world? Will he find us heavily occupied with our careers and professions and less interested in God’s matters? When he calls us, where will we answer from? What will be the state of our life? Will the Lord find his temple habitable, clean and decent? Or will he find his temple dirty, smelling of alcohol and hard drugs, unkempt, inhabitable, and disgusting? You are that temple, I am that temple.

May our Blessed Mother, Virgin Mary, who was so pure help us to keep our bodies, the temple of God pure and holy for God.

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