Saturday, March 17, 2012

John 3:16: The Numbers of Hope
Rev. Marcel Divine Emeka Okwara CSsR
Homily for the Fourth Sunday of Lent, Year B
St. Gerard Majella Church

Psalm 8: 4 asks the question: “What is man that you O Lord should be mindful of him?” Job in the book of Job 7:17 asks: “What is man that you magnify him, and that you are concerned about him?”  Considering the vastness of the universe, why does God, as it were, chain himself to us? Jesus answers these questions in John 3: 16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.” 

Dearest beloved, today being the 4th Sunday of Lent, we are reminded once again of the greatest merciful act shown by God: “For God so loved the world that he gave his One and Only Son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” John 3:16 is a twenty six-word parade of hope. John 3:16 “is the alphabet of grace, a table of contents to the Christian hope” and the consolation of all. John 3:16 is the foundation of our faith.  It is the summary of our faith. It is the reason we are in Church today. John 3: 16 is the starting point and the ending point of our life. Due to his great love for us, God sacrificed his Son as a ransom for our salvation. John 3:16 says so!

There are so many beautiful verses in the Scripture, but John 3:16 is the reason why we have those verses. John 3:16 is the entire gospel in a nutshell. It sums up God’s nature, God’s plan and God’s intention. God is love. God is offering us redemption. God wants us to be redeemed. While we were still sinners and unlovable God reached out to us. He did not love us because we are perfectly upright. His love for us is a decision; it is not condition based.

God’s love is not conditional. It is unconditional love. But for us, our love is condition based. “O I love my car because it serves me well. It is a good car.” “I love that knife because it is sharp”. “I love Baton Rouge because the food here taste great.” “I love my dad because he gives me everything I want.”  “I love Beyonce because she is pretty.” “I love my son because he is obedient and respectful.” God loves us not because we are amazingly spotless or righteously perfect. He loves us out of sheer love; he loves us because he chooses to. This is the type of love that won’t let go its object of love He chose to love us despite who we are.  God loves us whether we are junkyard wrecks or showroom models.

In the Scripture, we read of Hosea who remained tied to his unfaithful wife Gomer. Despite the infidelity of Gomer, who was jumping from one bed to another with different men, Hosea continued to love her (This perfectly explains God’s love for us). Hosea’s love for Gomer is the type described in John 3:16.  God’s love is less affection, more a decision, less a feeling, more an action. Jesus did not love in order to get something from us but to give everything of himself to us. He emptied himself to us and for us!

Brethren, our goodness cannot win God’s love. Our sinfulness cannot lose it either. But we can resist it! God loves us with an unexplainable love. You cannot win it by being winsome; and cannot lose it by being a loser. But we may be blind to resist it. No matter what you have done and said, God still loves you. When the most despicable things are done, some people tend to think that they have lost the friendship of God. But you cannot lose the love of God. Our God has no needs, so you cannot wear him out. Our God is ageless, so you cannot lose him. Our God is sinless, so you cannot corrupt him. If He can make a billion galaxies, he can make good out of you. You cannot win his love by being winsome, or loose it by being a loser or a failure. But you can resist his love. 

To those who feel left out, abandoned and rejected, remember John 3:16. To those who are lonely and alone, remember John 3:16. To those forgotten in different corners of the world, remember John 3:16. To those who think that no one loves them, remember John 3:16. To the demoted and demeaned, remember John 3:16. When you are kicked out as Pluto was bumped out by a Committee of scientists for what they called “not meeting the solar system standard” remember John 3:16. When you are voted out because of worldly standards, remember John 3:16. If you feel excluded, just think of John 3:16. If past life is hunting you, remember John 3: 16. If you are carrying the guilt of the past, thinking that God is mad at you, remember John 3: 16. If you have lost everything including friends, remember John 3:16. To those who are greatly discouraged by what they experience and by what they see, remember John 3:16. It is the numbers of hope. It is the numbers of assurance and confidence. This love of God is amazing. He does not love you because of what you have done, and he is not going to un-love you because of what you have done. For God so loved you that he did not even spare the life of his only Son. If you are gripped by fear and uncertainty, remember John 3:16. Remember that FEAR is False Evidence About Reality. Instead of facing fear, why not face God? Face God because Jesus said he so loved you. Brethren this love of God for us amazes me, but it is real; it is true! This love explains why he sent Jesus! This love explains why Jesus came! This love explains why Jesus endured so much humiliation and a shameful death! This love explains why God claims you when others demote you!This love amazes me, but it is true and real!

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