Prayer to Jesus, my best friend

Prayer to Jesus, my best friend

Dear Lord, from the bottom of my heart I thank you for calling and choosing me to be your priest. Now I ask you to help me serve you faithfully. Jesus, sweet Lord, make me more like you. I want to be less of me and more of you.

My divine Lord and Master, I want to be holy like you
I want to be compassionate like you
I want to preach like you
I want to love like you
I want to be merciful like you
I want to forgive like you
I want to think like you
I want to feel like you
I want to comfort your people like you
I want to be a healing instrument; heal the sick through me
Perform signs and wonders and miracles through me, just as you did during your earthly ministry
I want to feed the hungry like you
I want to be a good shepherd like you
I want to be humble like you
I want to be in union with the Father like you.
I want to be in fellowship with the Holy Spirit like you.

Jesus, my best friend, I want to be less of me and more of you
My only faithful Lord, live in me
I want to be like you my Lord.
Lead me, guide me, direct me, control me, talk to me, talk through me.
Jesus, you are my best friend
I want to be like you; make me more of you.

Instill in me the passion to live like you
Renew me daily my true Friend
Give me a burning desire and love for you; fire me up Oh Lord; make me a firebrand and passionate disciple.
I want to be true to you; I want to be true to the Church; I want to be a faithful priest.

A priest is a true shepherd. A priest feeds the sheep. Use me to feed the sheep. Never let me feed on the sheep.
I need you Jesus more than anything in the world.
Do the same thing you did on earth through me.

I surrender to you totally. I bow before you. Make me holy. I give you my heart, my mind and every part of me. Use me excellent Savior. Let your light shine through me. May those who encounter me encounter you in me. I surrender to you completely dearest Jesus.

Jesus, my best friend, help me to hate sin
I want to hate sin; I want to love holiness; I want to be like you
Jesus, like you, I want to die doing the Father’s will.

After my death, I want to be with you in the bosom of your Father, my Father praising you forever.

Thank you Lord for hearing my prayers for I make them in your holy Name, Amen.

Composed by 
Father Marcel-Divine Emeka Okwara CSsR 
On the Feast Day of St. Luke, the Evangelist
October 18, 2010
Holy Names Catholic Church
Memphis, TN

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