Thursday, April 23, 2020

Reflection on John 3:31-36
Rev. Marcel Divine Emeka Okwara, CSsR
Thursday, April 23, 2020

In this Gospel, there is a promise of eternal life to those who believe in the Son of God: “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life.”

You know, almost every religion of the world talks about faith as something that has to do with the relationship between a creature and the Creator. Just about every religion speaks about the human race dependence on God, about divine providence and about humanity’s need for grace, favor, blessing and mercy. As one of the dominant religions of the world, Christianity too speaks about all of these theological truths, but it goes further than all and emphasize the Incarnation and the wonderful gifts connected with it. Islam and other world religions talk about the human person’s quest and longing for God, but in Christianity, it is the exact opposite. God is the one longing for us. God is the one who first quests and yearns for us. God is the one who initiated the relationship, sustains the relationship, and made sure it works. Don’t forget that while we were still sinners, alienated from God by our transgressions, Jesus Christ died for us (Romans 5:8). He is the first to come to us, and he is still the one helping us to come to him. Although the human person is wired for God, God is still the one who does the wiring and makes our longing for him possible. Although we long for God just as a deer yearns for running stream (Psalm 42:1), the good and merciful God is the one who instill in our souls the original ability to long for him. Without God’s intervention, without God’s initiation and involvement, we can do absolutely nothing (John 15:5b). 

In the Gospel of John 3:16, we read that “God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, so that everyone who believes in him many not perish, but may have eternal life.” This very familiar verse expresses God’s nature, God’s plan, and God’s intention. It summarizes the Christian faith and highlights its uniqueness from other religions of the world. It talks about the possibility of you and me to share in God’s own life. This is huge! This should be the breaking news breaking everyday in our hearts and minds. It should make headlines in every corner of our lives. It is crux of the good news.  

God sent his Son into the world so that the Son might gather the human race into the divine life. God is in each of us (2 Timothy 1:14). His coming to take residence in each of us is not an invasion as some people may want you to believe. He comes as a friend, the Best Friend (John 15:15). He visits with love and not vengeance. He has something wonderful to offer us— his very life. God is love (1 John 4:16). God has loved us with an everlasting love (Jeremiah 31:3). But guess what? This love will only be complete when we accept and receive the love that God is giving to us. Take it and live as you should and as you ought to be. 

God bless you!

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