Thursday, October 15, 2015

The Lord’s Prayer Re-Written

Our Father, who also lives with us, within us, and  among us
 May  the words of our mouths, the meditation of our hearts, our praise, 
adoration, worship, and thanksgiving to you flow from our hearts
 May our hearts, homes, families and assembly become your kingdom 
and dwelling places for you
 Help us to constantly derive joy in doing that which pleases you
May your will be our delight
 May everyday we live be spent in glorifying you in words and deeds
 Grant us the means of livelihood and bless the work of our hands 
Be patient with us as we struggle to overcome our weaknesses
Never be tired of forgiving us
None of us is perfect
 Our imperfection causes us to offend you, offend and hurt each other
 Help us to be patient with each other as you are with us 
to pardon each other just as you pardon us 
to tolerate each other and to help each other experience your healing
 Make us victorious over all trials and temptations and set our feet strongly firm 
over the head of our common enemy- the devil, the source of all evil. Amen.

—Composed by Rev. Marcel Emeka Okwara, CSsR
St. Mary’s Assumption of Church, Whittier, CA
On the One Year Remembrance of the glorious transition of my mother, Georgina U. Okwara
Thursday, October 15, 2015

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Homily for the Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

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