Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Easter Sunday Bulletin Message, 2022

The Resurrection of Jesus is not a hoax. It is not a figment of imagination the first disciples. It is not a creation of the Early Church. It is not a fairytale or a parable. It did happen! The crucified Savior of humanity indeed rose from the grave. He conquered death with his death. For sometime now, a growing number of modern people have been trying to explain away the resurrection of Jesus. They claim it is a myth, a legend, a symbol and a sign that prolongs Jesus’ cause. But no first century Christian would have found any of that convincing. If St. Paul had said in his sermon “I am proclaiming an inspiring dead man,” no one would have taken him seriously. What he said over and over again was “Anastasis!” “Anastasis!” — Resurrection! Resurrection! And that was the first great Christian message. 

Our Easter Gospel taken from John 20:1-9 contains magnificent account of the Resurrection. John said Mary of Magdala went to the tomb early in the morning, while it was still dark. It was still dark— just the way it was at the beginning of time before God said, “Let there be light!” In the Resurrection of Jesus a light is about to shine, and a new creation is about to appear. What else do we notice in the Gospel? John said the stone which blocks entrance to the tomb of Jesus had been rolled away. That stone stands for the finality of death. When a beloved person dies, it is as though a great stone has been rolled across them, and permanently blocks our access to them. That’s why we mourn and grief at death. But in the case of Jesus, the stone had been rolled away. When the first disciples saw the empty tomb, they thought a grave robber had stolen the Lord’s body. Guess what? Their suspicion was not utterly wrong. Jesus’ body was indeed stolen but not by his enemies— the chief priests, the scribes, the Pharisees etc. The greatest of grave robbers was at work. His action caused Mary Magdalene to exclaim, “They have taken the Lord from the tomb, and we don’t know where they put him.” Who is the greatest grave robber? The only true and living God! Centuries ago, the Lord said to prophet Ezekiel, Look! I am going to open your graves and have you rise from them” (Ezekiel 37:12)

Sisters and brothers, on this day, and throughout the season of Easter, we particularly celebrate the realization of what was dreamed about. What endured as a hope against hope has become a reality. God has opened the grave of his Son. God has shattered the bonds of death forever. Death is no longer the final word. The final word is Easter. Death is no longer the final day, the final day is Easter. This is the greatest and most powerful good news of Easter! 

Happy Easter, everybody!

Fr. Marcel E. Okwara, CSsR

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