Saturday, April 19, 2014

Homily for Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday, Year C

Wickedness And Injustice Never Win
Rev. Marcel Divine Emeka Okwara, CSsR
Homily for Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday, Year C
St. Gerard Majella Church
Baton Rouge, LA
April 19 & 20, 2014

When Jesus, the Son of God and the Son of Mary, our Brother and Redeemer died, foolish people foolishly thought that God is dead. But if God died, how come we are still alive? The death of God would not just be the death of humanity, but the extinction of everything. The cross therefore is not the end of everything. If God had died, then there will be no more life on earth or anywhere. The paradox here is that the Son of God only conquered death by his death. 

When the Lord breathed his last and died, his murderers thought that they have killed him. But death could not hold him! The forces of evil could not stop him from rising. Satan could not hold him down in the grave. Jesus rose in glory. The cross is not a depiction of weakness, rather a symbol of hope and new-life. From the cross was born the new life of Paul; from the cross was born the conversion of St. Augustine of Hippo; from the cross was born the joyful poverty of St. Francis of Assisi; from the cross was born the radiant goodness of St. Vincent de Paul; from the cross was born the great compassion of St. Alphonsus Liguori; from the cross was born the heroism of Maximilian Kolbe; from the cross was born the amazing charity of Mother Teresa of Calcutta; from the cross was born the courage of John Paul II; from the cross was born the bravery of Archbishop Oscar Romero of El Salvador; from the cross was born the courage and justice of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who challenged the nation to live out the true meaning of its creed, that all men and women are equal; from the cross was born the revolution of love. So the cross is not the death of God, but the birth of his love in our world.

Easter tells us there is an end to pain and suffering. If you think you are walking under the shadow of death, remember the message of Easter- that your struggles now shall pass away as well. Be hopeful because victory is just round the corner. Are the forces of hatred ganging up against you trying to frustrate and foil your progress? Be strong because evil and wickedness never win. There is indeed an end to suffering and discomfort. When Jesus was dragging his wounded body to Golgotha, it seemed it is finished for him. On his way to crucifixion, he fell thrice. It seemed it is finished for him. And when he finally cried, “It is finished”, his killers rejoiced and thought he has been finished. They thought they have finished him. But our Lord was not really finished. When he said, “It is finished”, he meant our salvation and freedom is accomplished. He meant: “I have given you everything. I have told you everything. I brought you the most beautiful message of all: God is love! God loves you! There is nothing left behind. I have told you everything and given you everything you need to gain salvation. The complete message of salvation has been preached completely. I have emptied myself completely for you. My love has been poured out to you unreservedly; my entire life has been poured out completely for your liberty. Nothing remains! “It is finished” means the enmity between us and God is over. The sin that separates us from God is erased. The barrier is finally destroyed. Satan’s power and victory over us is finished. He can no longer win battles against us. I have finished the evil one! “It is finished” therefore does not mean our Savior’s life is finished; rather his life and love have been given out completely without reservation. Life was won! Love was poured out! But fools misunderstood expiration for extinction. They thought the Excellent One is finished forever. But our Lord is alive; He lives! Death could not hold him in the darkness of the grave. He rose to light and glory for our good. He has offered us everything- love, freedom, peace, joy, salvation, courage, life etc.

Brothers and sisters, our Savior, crucified on Good Friday is risen. He is risen to reign forever.  He has risen to die no more. Therefore, Rejoice! We are free! We are redeemed! We have been reconciled with God! When Jesus raised Lazarus from death, he said to those who witnessed the great miracle, “untie him and let him go”. By his death and resurrection, Jesus speaks to Satan, “untie my people and let them go.”

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