Wednesday, February 20, 2013

A Trip to the Mountain of Transfiguration
Rev. Marcel Divine Emeka Okwara, CSsR
Bulletin Message for the Second Sunday of Lent, Year C
St. Gerard Majella Church
Baton Rouge, LA
Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Lenten season is a special season to pray, fast and give alms. It does not mean that it is only during this season that Christians are to give alms, fast and pray. It means that it is a unique season that every Catholic is called upon by the Church to pray more, to fast more and to share more with others our resources of time, talent and treasure. Why do we have to do these during this period? We specially give-alms during this period in order to know Jesus as our Treasure. He is the most precious Gift of inestimable value. He is the greatest Gift of all time. We particularly fast/abstain during this season in order to specially know Jesus as our Food. Remember, he is the Source of our strength and nourishment. We pray more fervently during this season of Lent in order to know Jesus as our Voice. He is the One that speaks for us to the eternal Father. 

Today being the Second Sunday of Lent, God wants us to embark on a journey of repentance, conversion, transformation and renewal. God wants us to step out of the comfort zone of sin. He wants us to step out of our old sinful lifestyle, and accompany his Son Jesus Christ to the high mountain of TRANSFIGURATION where we will experience a glimpse of that new place, the place of glory. Today’s Gospel taken from Luke 9:28b-36 tells us that Jesus took Peter, John, and James and went up the mountain to pray. And while they were praying, Jesus’ face changed in appearance and his clothing became dazzling white. This is the mountain of transfiguration! On this mountain, we will experience the boundless goodness of God. Now, the Psalmist in Psalm 24:3 inquires about the requirements to ascend to this mountain when it asks: “Who shall climb the mountain of the Lord, or stand in his holy place?” In the following verse (i.e. verse 4) the Psalmist also gives the answer: “The one who has clean hands, and a pure heart; who desires not worthless things nor swear so as to deceive his or her neighbor. Such a person will receive blessing from the Lord; a reward from God the Savior.”

Today, Jesus invites us to accompany him to the mountain of transfiguration. If we follow him there, may be we will be able to jettison and abandon envy, pride, gossip, lack of respect for others, passive aggression, destructive criticism, anger, bitterness, hatred, character assassination, unforgiving spirit, unholy discussion, fowl language, bad example to the young etc. On the mountain of transfiguration, Jesus will not only be transfigured, but he will allow the brightness of his face to permeate into our hearts and souls. When we experience the beauty of dwelling in the presence of the Lord, we will speak like Simon Peter: “Master, it is good that we are here; if you wish, we will make three tents, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” As we dwell more in His Presence, we will find joy in listening and obeying the redeeming message of our Master Jesus Christ who saved us and called us to a holy life of friendship with God and friendship with the people of God. If we are able to do this, then, we would have obeyed the Voice of the Father that sounded from heaven saying: “This is my beloved Son; listen to him.” 

Beloved in Christ, our Lenten Mission begins today- this evening by 7 PM. We warmly welcome Father Maurice Nutt, CSsR. Few words that best describe Father Maurice are joyful, energetic, Bible-fed and Spirit-led!  Father Maurice was born and raised in St. Louis, MO.  He professed vows in the Redemptorist congregation on July 24, 1983.  And on June 10, 1989, he was ordained to the Catholic priesthood.
Father Nutt is currently a member of the Redemptorist Parish Mission Preaching Team based in Chicago, IL.  Additionally he is a member of the faculty of the Institute for Black Catholic Studies at Xavier University of Louisiana, New Orleans where he teaches Preaching. Father Maurice is a highly educated Catholic priest- He holds two BA, two Masters and a doctorate degree. He has written three books:  Thea Bowman:  In My Own Words, Advent and Christmas Wisdom from St. Alphonsus Liguori, and Lent and Easter Wisdom from St. Alphonsus Liguori. Father Nutt is also a contributor to the African American Catholic Youth Bible, a collaborative project between the National Black Catholic Congress and St. Mary’s Press to be published in 2013. He has also published articles about preaching, evangelization and stewardship.   

This Catholic evangelist life’s purpose is simply to lead souls to Christ the Redeemer!  Please pray that Father Maurice Nutt may continue to be used by God for God’s greater honor and glory! And also pray for the success of our Parish Lenten Mission. 

Welcome to St. Gerard Father Maurice! We are happy to have you!

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