Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Fr. Marcel’s Bulletin Message On The Solemnity Of The Ascension Of The Lord, Year B
St. Gerard Majella Parish
Baton Rouge, LA, USA
May 20, 2012

Beloved in Christ Jesus, today we celebrate the Ascension of the Lord. As we celebrate the Lord’s Ascension into heaven, three points may be considered. Number one: Jesus is going up to heaven but not exactly as he came. From heaven he came as the Son of God, now he goes up as the Son of God and also the Son of Mary. He came from heaven as the only Son of God, but now returns as our Brother and Redeemer. In one sense, he is the only begotten Son of God, but in another sense, he is not the only begotten of the Father, for through his own suffering and death, he has ransomed and begotten each of us as sons and daughters of God. Through his redemption, we all have become God’s adopted sons and daughters. We have become brothers and sisters of the Lord. Number two: Jesus goes up to heaven without really leaving us. He stays with us as the Risen Lord. Although he is not physically present with us, he is spiritually present in and among us. He is present in the Holy Spirit who he sent to us, for it is the Spirit of the Father and the Son. He also continues to be with us supremely in the Eucharist, in common and private prayer, in our neighbor, in the poor and in those who evangelize for the Lord. In Matthew 21:20, Jesus promises us “And behold I am with you always until the end of time.” 

The Ascension of the Lord is not really a change of place for Jesus. We must avoid the danger of boxing Jesus into heaven, away from us. After all, heaven is living in God’s presence, a presence which begins here and now with the grace of the Lord and then culminates in the glory of heaven. Jesus knew this all too well and that’s why in John 17:3 he defines eternal life (that is the glory of heaven) like this: “And eternal life means to know you, the only true God, and to know Jesus Christ who sent.”

The third point to consider as we celebrate the Lord’s Ascension is that his Ascension into heaven reminds us of the destiny of his followers. A Christian is a pilgrim. We are on a journey, and when someone begins a journey, he or she wants to get to the destination. The hope of the Christian pilgrim is the destination of heaven. 

Writings about heaven do not get a press coverage. You can hardly read an article on heaven in the New York Times Magazine. Even in the Church, homilies or sermons on heaven are seldom preached about. Some people argue that we know little or nothing about heaven. Theologians continue to argue whether heaven is a place or a state. Heaven, most conclude is a mystery. Because no one has come from heaven to earth to tell us how it looks like, we shy away from talking about it. Even when the rich man in hell wanted Father Abraham to send Lazarus to his brothers on earth so as to warn them to change their lifestyles or else they would end in hell, his request was immediately turned down. What is in heaven is not adequately known. Some people have asked me questions like, “How is heaven like?” “I hope there will be food in it?” “What are we going to be doing in heaven?” “I hope heaven is not going to be a boring place?” I read about the story of a doctor and his terminally ill patient, who was very scared of dying. Out of fear of death, the patient asked his doctor: “What is there in heaven?” The doctor answered: “I don’t know.” In amazement, the patient said: “You do not know? But you are a devout Catholic and you attend Mass daily, yet you don’t know what is there in heaven?” At that time, there was a big noise produced by someone who wanted to force the door of the clinic open. It was a big dog, the doctor’s dog. Entering the clinic, the dog runs, jumps, and kisses the doctor. The entrance of the dog provided a teaching opportunity for the doctor. The doctor said to his patient: “Did you see my dog? He did not know what was in this room, but he knew that someone, his master was here, and that was enough for him. I do not know what is in heaven, but I know one thing: God my Father is there, Jesus my Redeemer is there, and that is enough for me.”

Some theologians tell us that heaven is a place, while others argue it is a state. While we wait on them to figure out whether heaven is a state or a place, I can categorically, emphatically and certainly tell you that heaven is the reward of righteousness. Heaven is the reward of compassion. It is the reward of love- love of God and love of neighbor. Heaven is the reward of holiness and purity. Heaven is the reward of uprightness. It is the reward of feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, sheltering the homeless, welcoming the strangers, visiting the sick, the shut in and the imprisoned for the sake of Jesus. Heaven is the reward of forgiveness and tolerance. It is the reward of not getting tired of doing what is good. It is the reward of working for justice and peace for the sake of Jesus, the Prince of peace. Heaven is the reward of prayer which is talking to God. It is the reward of looking up to God and touching God through prayer. Heaven is the reward of simplicity and humility. Heaven is the reward of not giving up on God even in the face of unspeakable suffering and hardship. Heaven is the reward of keeping the Lord's commandments. Heaven is the reward of working for God wholeheartedly with no regrets. Heaven is the reward of joy drawn drawn from a profound relationship with God. Heaven is the reward obedience- God's centered obedience. Heaven is the reward of being a faithful witness of God. It is the reward of not clinging too much on the things of this world. Heaven is the reward of depending and relying on God. Heaven is the reward of following Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. Heaven is the reward of honest living devoid of hypocrisy. Heaven is the reward of saying yes to God on a daily basis. Heaven is the reward of looking heavenward on a daily basis. It is the reward for those who spend their earthly life storing up treasures in heaven.  

Heaven is our goal and our target! Over there, our tears will be wiped away. Over there, all our limitations will be gone. Over there, we will see Jesus, our Brother and Redeemer. Over there, we will see our loving Father. Over there, we will see the Holy Ghost our Comforter. Over there, we will see our awesome Mother Mary. Over there, we will be in their company and in the company of all the saints and angels. Over there, we will not hunger anymore; we will not be sick anymore. Over there, there will be no more trouble again. Over there, all people of different races, nations and tongue will be united in one big family. Over there, our song is not going to be composed by Jay-zee, Beyonce, Michael Jackson, Tu-Pac, Mariah Carey, the Backstreet Boys, Bob Marley, Boyz II Men, Bryan Adams, Tu Face, P Square Cyndi, Lauper etc. but by the Angels.  

Do you wanna go? Join me as we walk over there with the steps of love! 

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