Tuesday, May 10, 2011

  • Argument on the death of Osama bin Ladin

    Cornelius Onyeze Ifeoma Ofoegbu

    Osama is just like any other human being on earth that commits sin according to our own standard, he may not see it as sin cos of his own belief just like Saul who later became Paul. Yes he killed many pple, but many doctors, nurses, young girls and boys r killing innocent children everyday. Political thugs and their sponsors r killing pple in Africa almost on daily basis. God will will be more happy with Obama if he can stop abortion, political killings and unjust oppression of the poor.

  • Emmy Divine Austine

    Cornelius, your knowledge of what Osama bin Ladin did and stood for is incomplete. First, Osama was not just like any other human being on earth as you claimed. He was a monster. Jesus says that the devil comes to steal, to destroy and kill. That's what Osama stood for and did while he lasted on earth. He did not only commit sin, he committed crime against humanity. Not all sins are crimes.

Secondly, it is wrong to compare what Saul (Paul) did with what Osama did. First, Saul acted in ignorance. Secondly, he acted with written and unwritten permission from the authorities. Thirdly, Saul did not murder fellow believers of the same religion. He only had problem with Christianity. But Osama murdered even Muslims. Osama bin Ladin knew what he was doing. His main objective was to crush America and the West. His war was not against the Christian religion or any religion. He was simply against the West.

Last night, i listened attentively to one of the videos tapes he released from his hide out, and i was shocked at his knowledge of facts and numbers. The man was not only at war with the West but with humanity. When Saul went after the Christians, he did not take a unilateral decision to persecute Christians. He had the support and the permission from the religious leaders. Do not forget he was on the way to obtain another written permission to arrest and jail the Christians when Jesus Christ revealed himself to him.

To compare Osama and Saul is a disservice to Christianity. It is a point that could only make a sound-bite, but lacks facts. You also seem to compare the atrocities of Osama with that of doctors, nurses, young girls, young boys etc who commit abortion. If you honestly think that those who had committed abortions or who aid people commit abortion are on the same category with Osama, that means you think that a boy who stole a 5 Naira biscuit from a store is on the same category with an armed robber who robbed a bank or people homes at night. Stealing one dollar biscuit from a store is a lesser evil to robbing a bank or a home with guns and knifes. There is a hierarchy of crimes and sins. A doctor or a nurse who aid young girls commit abortions may be doing something wrong, but their acts can in no way be compared with what Osama did while on earth. The killing of one person is a sin and a crime, but it cannot be compared with committing a genocide. Genocide is a sin against God and a sin against the human society. It is also a crime against humanity.

Genocide is the worst of all evils. It is a deliberate attempt to destroy a nation or a people. Nothing can be compared to it. It is an intrinsically evil act that goes against everything that every human society stands for. Genocide destroys God's people who are created in God's image and likeness. Genocide is the number one evil in the hierarchy of evils. Abortion is a sin, but in some countries, it is not a crime. Try and make that distinctions.

Religion deals with sin but does not determine what constitutes a crime. Osama is evil! You said that God would be more happy with Obama if he can stop abortion, political killings and unjust oppression of the poor. Sorry, the decision to commit abortion is usually an individual's decision. It is not the job of the president to dictate to the American people how to make their decision. I know that abortions, political killings, oppression of the poor, political thuggery, poverty in Africa etc are all wrong. No one person can eradicate evil in the world. But we can reduce it. The elimination of Osama is one of the greatest reduction of evil in the world. You asked Obama to fight evil, and that's just what he did with the killing of Osama. The poverty in Africa is caused by the African leaders and not by Obama. Obama did not ask Obasanjo to waste eight years in power without achieving anything for Nigeria. The elimination of Osama marks the greatest attack on evil by the Obama administration.

President Obama should be commended for going after Osama who posed a risk to any human being. The kiling of the number one greatest threat to peace, security, and development is unarguably the greatest attack on evil in modern history. Osama cared about no body except his selfish self. He killed both Muslims and Christians alike. He decimated religious people and non-religious alike. He does not give a damn if he brings the entire world to an abrupt end of destruction. We thank God he was not able to get hold of atomic or nuclear bomb. The man would have used it to bring down an entire nation. Jesus says that those who kill by the sword would die by the sword. What he did to many families and nations was exactly what he got. The fishes and other sea creatures have had a good enjoyment of his despicable body.

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