Saturday, June 13, 2009

Fr. Marcel’s Bulletin Message on the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Jesus Christ

Dearest beloved, today we celebrate the reason for our gathering together each week. Today we celebrate the Precious Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. Today we celebrate the Lord’s gift of himself to us. Today we celebrate the Eucharist. In the Eucharist, Jesus manifests himself to us. He manifests his Real Presence in the Bread and Wine which he offered to the Father. The Holy Spirit takes possession of the bread and wine so they become the Body and Blood of our Lord. Just as the Holy Spirit made him to become flesh in the womb of Mary, the same Spirit transforms the bread and wine so that the Body and Blood of Jesus become really present on the altar of the sacrifice of the Holy Eucharist.

Brethren at every Mass, our Lord Jesus Christ is really present. He is present to nourish our lives with his teachings and with his Body and Blood. He feeds us with his Body and Blood in ways that are beyond our expectation and imagination. The Bread of Life that Jesus gives us does not just renew our bodies. It gives us a new body by making us the body of Christ itself. For we become the body of Christ when we eat the Body of Christ. The Eucharist brings us into union with Christ and with on another.

The Body and Blood of Jesus is the most precious jewel of inestimable value. It is the ultimate and supreme fulfillment of the Lord’s promise to be with us until the end of time. The Eucharist is an Epiphany. Epiphany is the manifestation of Jesus to the whole world. As our Epiphany, Jesus manifests himself to us in the form of bread and wine. And when we receive him in the right disposition, we enter into communion with Christ, we become like Christ, and we become what we receive. The rice, steak, lobster, barbecue ribs, spaghetti, chicken sandwich etc we eat, only blend with our body; but in the case of the Eucharist, we become what we eat, we become the body of Christ.

It has been said that to live is to experience suffering in some degree, and to survive is to find the meaning of suffering. But to find the meaning of suffering is to overcome it, to overcome suffering is to be healed, and healing can be real even when it is not seen. The Christian finds the true meaning of suffering when he or she enters into intimate union with Jesus. For Jesus in his own suffering answers the question of the meaning of suffering. And what brings us into intimate union with Jesus is the Eucharist. By bringing us into union with Christ, the Eucharist brings meaning to human suffering; by bringing meaning into suffering, the Eucharist brings healing into our lives, even in our suffering. Whoever eats the Body of Jesus and drinks his Blood, the power of Christ lives in such a person. That is the greatest healing you can get. That is why whoever eats this bread, even if he dies he is healed, because even if he dies, he shall live forever.

Dearest beloved, the three Apostles on the way to Emmaus recognized Jesus at the breaking of Bread. Let’s recognize him in the Eucharist. When the three Apostles recognized Jesus, they pleaded with him to stay with them. Like them, may we be able to say “Stay with us Lord for it is evening.” When Jesus was manifested to the Magi, they paid him homage, and also gave him three things: gold, myrrh and frankincense. Like them, let us always pay homage to our Savior and also offer him three things: time, talent and treasure.

May the Body of Jesus Christ heal us of all infirmities; may his Blood wash away our sins.

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