Thursday, June 12, 2008

Rev. Fr. Marcel Divine Emeka Okwara CSsR

I am Catholic Priest of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (Redemptorists). I am from Nigeria, studied in the Dominican Institute of Philosophy and Theology where I obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy and Saints Peter and Paul Major Seminary where I got a Bachelor’s degree in Theology. Presently, I am an Associate Pastor in Holy Names of Jesus and Mary Catholic Church, Memphis, Tennessee, USA. Apostle John calls himself “the beloved”, but I call myself “the special one of God”. The Lord Jesus calls himself “the true Shepherd”, but I call myself “a sheep”. The Lord calls himself “The Way” but I call myself “a traveler”. The Lord calls himself “The Truth” but I call myself “the seeker”. The Lord calls himself “The Life” but I call myself “the needy”. I am a sheep striving to follow the True Shepherd.
I am a passionate preacher of the Word of God, and an excited priest. Preaching the Word of God is my greatest delight. Our Lord Jesus’ injunction “Go you into the whole world and proclaim the good news” motivates me and burns in me like a fire. I have made entirely St. Paul’s assertion “I am doomed if I do not preach the gospel” my own. The 21st century world of secularism, materialism and consumerism needs to hear the Word of God preached in a new way. I love Jesus! I love to preach Jesus! I love to preach about Jesus! I love to love Jesus! He is my only inheritance!
I am revival, renewal and retreat preacher. I am also a social justice crusader. Like my Master Jesus Christ, I want to be voice to the voiceless. I am a champion of one family- whether white or black I believe we are one family created in the image and likeness of God. We are the family of God’s people.
Remember that Jesus Christ is our true Shepherd. But if you want Him to be your Shepherd, then you must be a sheep, because a wolf has no shepherd.
If you need to contact me for Mass, for Revival, Renewal, Retreat, Confession, Talk etc., please contact me through
Fr. Marcel Divine Emeka Okwara CSsR
Holy Names Church
697 Keel Avenue
Memphis, TN, 38107
Tel: 901-525-9870
Mobile Phone: 901-219-3855

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Homily for the Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

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